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Happy healthy heart for me!

My face when my cardiologist said that she recommends Juice+ to her clients! Ok seriously why does my head always go to the darkest place when I have annual check ups or pending test results? 😬 You would think at this point in my life I’d be over the worrying  🤦🏻‍♀️ I mean I’ve only been doing them once a year since I was 24, you’d think I know the drill. 

Today’s echocardiogram scared the crap out of me! For days my stomach has been in knots and I’ve been living in my head. I guess that’s what legit anxiety must feel like.

I’m great at coaching my kids, friends and family that there is no point in worrying about things until you have to but when it comes to me, I totally suck at it! 😬 Thanks to @george28 😘 I actually made it to this appointment! No joke babe I don’t know where I’d be without you! Thanks for reminding me not to let fear be my guide. I hope I remember that next year lol! 💕On the plus side they had my favorite color gown!!! I hate the green ones. 😝Doesn’t pink just make everything better? 💕💞💕

Anyways it’s all over and I’m all good...❤️Happy Friday is it a happy hour yet? 🍸