The proof is in this breakfast bowl

When I first met my husband he was eating pasta twice a day, never drank coffee and swore on everything holy that peanut butter is literally the devil. Seriously, true story. He was disgusted by melon, raisins, olives and figs and never saw the point in deep breathing or stretching. Over the years, he adopted far healthier habits although he was always healthy and had a very good discipline when it came to food and exercise, it was the details that were confusing to me. Like how can you think eating pasta twice a day is ok, and peanut butter on a slice of whole wheat bread once a day is bad? There were clearly confusing factors in his eating habits that I naturally wanted to understand.

It turns he wasn't the only one, I was barely drinking enough water although I had no restrictive eating habits I was by far consuming too much sodium. Together we grew, and reached where we are today and its been an incredible journey. See, eating is not a religion, you don't have to do one thing always, but slowly making changes can yield very gratifying results. 

In November of 2016 I decided that I was going to put together the knowledge that I have, become a health coach and start coaching individuals that were interested in living a healthier more fulfilled life. Key point "individuals that were interested" not me making them interested they were interested of their own accord. 

In an effort to "make" my husband "live healthier" I was going about it in all the wrong ways. I was saying eat this, don't eat that, drink this don't drink that, work out this way, stretch that way. Basically I was doing the opposite of what I doing with my clients, which is meeting them when they are at. 

After seeing that I was actually, literally trying "to lead a horse to water and make it drink," I laid off. I did me, and he soon followed suit. Months later he says that he is feeling amazing and can't believe the progress he has made in energy levels, reduction of back pain, better sleep, and a healthier attitude in life. 

The proof is in this beautiful breakfast bowl!!!! Look at the breakfast bowl that he created!!! I could not believe it. I learned so much on this health journey with my husband, but by far the biggest lesson was you can't make anyone do anything. Believe in what you are doing and let others make those choices for themselves, in other words lead by example. Healthy habits are contagious, so if your little ones are not eating the broccoli, the green peas, or anything green that you are serving, however delicious it may be; trust that they will one day venture into a world of green, provided that they see you do it. 

Most important note to self, you do you and everything else will be ok.