It's round about this time of the year that my skin starts to really freak out because of the wonderful weather we have in winter. People refer to #dryjanuary and my mind is thinking, dry January, February, March even April....
The awfully dry conditions here in the winter and the extreme in door heating create the perfect environment for atopic skin to flare. Of course if you add in the daily stress of life and well you get picture.
I've battled with atopic dermatitis aka eczema since I was around 4 months old there have been times that it was hardly an issue and others that it's been a little tough to say the least.
Over the course of many years friends have asked for themselves and their children what moisturizers/hand creams seem to work best and for tips on how to deal with the nasty scratch - itch cycle that overcomes atopic skin.
I have a few eczema tips:
- Hydration is key 🔑 drink lots and lots of 💦 water.
- Moisturize twice a day with a cream or emollient. Lotions don't really do that much. Dry skin is more prone to itching, itching causes redness which causes you to stress and react with more itching.
- Relieve yourself of stress as much as you can.
- Stay away from processed, high sugar foods.
- Use a humidifier to release moisture in your bedroom while you sleep.
- See an allergist and see if you may have any food allergies.
- Take quick luke warm showers and moisturize while your skin is still somewhat damp.
- These are tips I've used along the years but flares still happen and it's a crazy cycle that sometimes only steroid creams can break. When that happens relax you know the cycle it will be over soon.
I've learned to accept that eczema is part of me, part of my daily life and I manage it. Of course always consult your physician with anything you decide to do with your skin regimen or treatments but if you are in the market for over the counter, non steroidal moisturizers I've tried them all and these seem to do well for me.
Now having said all that, is it summer yet? My skin is always better in the sun and in the sea.